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ascription 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ascriptions, plural;
  1. The attribution of something to a cause
    • - an ascription of effect to cause
  2. The attribution of a text, quotation, or work of art to a particular person or period
    • - her ascription of the text to Boccaccio
    • - questions of authorial ascription
  3. The action of regarding a quality as belonging to someone or something
    • - the author's ascription of human attributes to his hero or villain
  4. A preacher's words ascribing praise to God at the end of a sermon

  1. attribution: assigning some quality or character to a person or thing; "the attribution of language to birds"; "the ascription to me of honors I had not earned"
  2. In traditional grammar, a predicate is one of the two main parts of a sentence the other being the subject, which the predicate modifies. For the simple sentence "John is yellow" John acts as the subject, and is yellow acts as the predicate. ...
  3. The act of ascribing a quality or characteristic to
  4. (ascriptive) a "thing" might be described by properties that its viewer perceives and ascribes to it.
  5. The direct association of the name of a person or persons with a new name or description or diagnosis of a taxon (Art. 46.3).
  6. Ascription is a model developed used to achieve a complete data set. The technique ascribes missing data by assigning responses from a donor respondent to a recipient respondent with similar demographic characteristics.
  7. The process by which others attribute identities to an individual.