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arty 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. showily imitative of art or artists
  2. Arty is an independent British art fanzine started by the artist Cathy Lomax in 2001. Arty is for art fans written by artists themselves and published by Transition Gallery's editions department, the artist-run space in East London.Shirley, Rosemary. , Interface, 2004. Retrieved 11 January 2009.
  3. Pretending to artistic worth; high-flown
  4. shorthand term for artillery
  5. Artillery, cannons. Most common were 105mm (diameter) howitzers, then the really big guns, the 155mm howitzers. I've heard there were 175mm and 8-inch howitzers in I Corps, but never encountered them.
  6. artillery of any calibre, tracked or towed; most common included 105mm, 155mm, 8-inch howitzers, 40mm dusters
  7. Artillery Vehicle. Plural: 'Arties'.