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artwork 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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artworks, plural;
  1. Illustrations, photographs, or other nontextual material prepared for inclusion in a publication

  2. Paintings, drawings, or other artistic works
    • - a collection of artwork from tribal cultures
    • - each artwork is reproduced in color on a full page

  1. photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication; "the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book"
  2. Artwork is the fourth studio album by American emo/post-hardcore band The Used, released through Reprise Records in the United States and the UK on August 31, 2009.
  3. ArtWorks is an advanced vector drawing package for RISC OS created by Computer Concepts (now Xara) in 1991. It has been developed by MW Software since 1996.
  4. A painting, drawing, sculpture or other piece of creative, visual art; Artistic work; The graphical elements to be included in a reproduced work
  5. Any and all logos, graphics and images used in creating a sign. (See also electronic artwork and copy.)
  6. All original copy, including type, photos and illustrations, intended for printing. Also called art.
  7. The visual components of an ad, not including the typeset text.
  8. All illustrated material, ornamentation, photos and charts etc., that is prepared for reproduction.
  9. Originally the physical art (sometimes referred to as paste-up, camera-ready artwork or Mechanical) prepared by the designer and including type, graphics and other originals. This was used by the printer to produce the printing plates. ...
  10. Images, including type and photos, prepared for printing.
  11. A general term used to describe photographs, drawings, paintings, hand lettering, and the like prepared to illustrate printed matter.
  12. A photoprocessing tool used to fabricate a printed circuit board that consists of an accurately scaled image of the required pattern on the surface of a stable transparent film base.
  13. An accurately scaled configuration used to produce the artwork master or production master.
  14. Customers who supply their own artwork are fully responsible for the end result of printing. Customers are reminded to submit print-ready artwork with the correct specifications (CMYK colour, minimum 300dpi, correct dimensions, 3mm bleed, fonts flattened or converted to outlines). ...
  15. A process which follows the initial design stage which makes rough ideas into a print-ready form.
  16. Reproduction-quality origination in high-contrast black-and-white, the original design, including text and or drawings used to reproduce the image with all blemishes and imperfections removed or corrected.
  17. An original design intended for reproduction.
  18. copy supplied for origination purposes, indicating colour separation and half-tones.
  19. The visual image of an ad, to scale, that will eventually be posted on an outdoor advertising structure. Also referred to as copy or creative.
  20. Visual graphics and material such as illustrations, branding, text and images which are prepared for print or web publishing.
  21. The base materials from which printing films and plates are produced.
  22. Text, graphic and illustrations arranged individually or in any combination for subsequent printing. ...
  23. The images/text that are to be printed (usually supplied digitally as a PDF). As a general rule, artwork should be supplied as a high resolution PDF at 300 dpi, with crop marks and 3mm bleed. Please see here for further details
  24. If your product includes custom printing, you are generally asked to furnish camera ready artwork in an EPS file. We can also provide artwork for you and will provide you with our estimated cost upon receiving from you a detailed description or sample of the copy. ...
  25. Any image or text to be imprinted, such as a logo, company name, or drawing.