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artistically 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in an artistic manner; "it was artistically decorated"
  2. (artistic) relating to or characteristic of art or artists; "his artistic background"
  3. (artistic) satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities; "artistic workmanship"
  4. (Artistic) Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects the senses, emotions, and/or intellect. ...
  5. (Artistic) We tried to make the logo look more like hand drawn and artistic. Especially for this concept, we tried to get away with using any abstract design elements.
  6. (Artistic) Work done skillfully and tastefully.
  7. (Artistic) as you might expect, this can mean different to things to different photographers. It is more interpretative than ‘standard’ photography and demands a more visionary approach than mere recording. ...
  8. (artistic) May involve many qualities including line values, creative ability, and color sense.
  9. Artistic income is income from the sale of paintings, sculptures, works of art, copyrights and designs. Artistic income may be spread backwards for one or two years; copyright payments may be spread over the period of the agreement up to a maximum of six years.