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arthritic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a person afflicted with arthritis; "the hands of an elderly arthritic"
  2. of or pertaining to arthritis; "my creaky old joints"; "rheumy with age and grief"
  3. (arthritis) inflammation of a joint or joints
  4. Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body.
  5. (Arthritis) A medical condition characterized by inflammation of the joints, which results in pain and difficulty moving.
  6. (Arthritis) A gradual breakdown, or deterioration, of the joint spaces in your musculoskeletal system.>/p>
  7. (Arthritis) An inflammatory condition that affects joints. (e.g., rheumatism or gout).
  8. (Arthritis) is a disease that causes pain, stiffness, inflammation, and damage to joint cartilage. When Arthritis causes damage to joint cartilage, then joint weakness, instability, and deformities can result which interfere with even the most basic daily tasks, such as walking, driving a car, ...
  9. (Arthritis) Swelling of the joints causing pain.
  10. (Arthritis) inflammatory lesions confined to the joints. Marked by pain, heat, redness and swelling, due to inflammation, infection or trauma.
  11. (Arthritis) a degenerative joint disease.
  12. (arthritis) a condition where a joint becomes inflamed.
  13. (Arthritis) Literally means joint inflammation, but is often used to indicate a group of more than 100 rheumatic diseases. ...
  14. (Arthritis) is a skeletal system disease generally involving the inflammation of the joints. It consists of more than 100 different joint diseases and conditions with symptoms include pain, aching, stiffness, and swelling in or around the joints. ...
  15. The term arthritis is used to describe more than 100 rheumatic diseases and conditions that affect joints, the tissues which surround the joint and other connective tissue. The pattern, severity and location of symptoms can vary depending on the specific form of the disease. ...
  16. (Arthritis) a painful inflammation of a joint caused by many conditions, includinginfections, or injury; joint structure is usually altered, and loss of function sometimesresults.
  17. (Arthritis) A condition that occurs in joints when surfaces between the bones are worn and uneven. This creates friction, which causes pain, swelling and reduced mobility.  It results from infection, trauma, degenerative changes, metabolic disturbances or other causes.
  18. (Arthritis) A destructive process effecting a joint. This may result in pain, deformity, restricted function. It may also be asymptomatic. ...
  19. (Arthritis) A disease commonly associated with pain and stiffness in joints
  20. (Arthritis) A disorder of a joint where two bones meet which may be manifested on physical examination by swelling, redness, warmth or tenderness in the joint or may be demonstrated on x-rays by loss of the joint space, formation of spurs, erosions or cysts in the bone.
  21. (Arthritis) A rheumatism of the joints, which could be any of a variety of disorders marked by inflammation, degeneration, or metabolic derangement of the connective tissue structures of the body.
  22. (Arthritis) Damage to the structures of the joint including the synovium, cartilage, and underlying bone which often results from repeated bleeding episodes and leads to pain, stiffness, and limitation in function.
  23. (Arthritis) Elizabeth M. Badley and Linda M. Rothman, Arthritis Community Research and Evaluation Unit, Wellesley Hospital Research Institute, Toronto, Canada
  24. (Arthritis) General term that includes several chronic conditions involving inflammation of the joints. While no cure exists today, treatments are available to control symptoms.
  25. (Arthritis) If you are obese then your joints are supporting much more weight than they should. It is therefore more likely that you will develop arthritis, particularly of the knees, hips and back