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artfully 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in an artful manner; "her foot pointed artfully toward tapering toes"
  2. disingenuously: in a disingenuous manner; "disingenuously, he asked leading questions abut his opponent's work"
  3. craftily: in an artful manner; "he craftily arranged to be there when the decision was announced"; "had ever circumstances conspired so cunningly?"
  4. (artful) marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft; "the artful dodger"; "an artful choice of metaphors"
  5. (Artful (horse)) Artful (1902–1927) was born at the Westbury Stable at Old Westbury on Long Island into a family of racing royalty begun in 1898 by William Collins Whitney. The Whitney family remain to this day a leading name in the sport of Thoroughbred horse racing.
  6. (artful) Performed with, or characterized by, art or skill; Artificial; imitative; Using or exhibiting much art, skill, or contrivance; dexterous; skillful; Cunning; disposed to cunning indirectness of dealing; crafty; as, an artful boy. [The usual sense.]
  7. (Artful) (adj.) : clever, cunning
  8. adv. Chalaki nal ;fareb nal ;