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arteriosclerosis 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries, occurring typically in old age,
  1. The thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries, occurring typically in old age

  1. sclerosis of the arterial walls
  2. (arteriosclerotic) affected by arteriosclerosis
  3. Arteriosclerosis refers to a stiffening of arteries.
  4. Hardening, narrowing or loss of elasticity in arteries or blood vessels
  5. Hardening of the arterial wall through the calcification of abnormal deposits of a fatlike substance known as cholesterol.
  6. Hardening of the arteries.
  7. commonly called "hardening of the arteries;" a variety of conditions caused by fatty or calcium deposits in the artery walls causing them to thicken.
  8. a disorder causing thickening and hardening of artery walls
  9. A group of diseases in which the walls of the arteries get thick and hard. In one type of arteriosclerosis, fat builds up inside the walls and slows the blood flow. These diseases often occur in people who have had diabetes for a long time.
  10. (Hardening of the arteries) - A disease in which plaque, made up of cholesterol, fats, calcium and scar tissue, builds up in the wall of blood vessels, narrowing the channel and interfering with blood flow.
  11. Any of a group of diseases leading to the thickening and loss of elasticity in arterial walls.
  12. A disease in which a sticky substance known as plaque adheres to the walls of the arteries, narrowing and eventually clogging them.
  13. used interchangeably with the term atherosclerosis: to describe a condition affecting the arteries.
  14. The gradual buildup of plaque along the inside wall of an artery. Contrary to what you may have read or been told, less than 5% of a plaque is made up of cholesterol. The remainder consists of clot-like material and various cells. ...
  15. The change in arteries that causes them to become blocked.
  16. A disease of the vascular system characterized by cumulative buildup of fatty deposits on the inner walls of veins and arteries.
  17. literally means sclerosis or “hardening of arteries,” as if it constitutes a senescent change independent of atherosclerosis although the terms are often used synonymously and differentiation is impossible in old age. ...
  18. A chronic condition in which there is abnormal thickening and hardening of the walls of arteries. It develops with aging, high blood pressure, high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia), and other conditions.
  19. A group of diseases characterized by thickening or hardening of the arteries and loss of blood flow to the heart due to plaque; can lead to angina (chest pain) or myocardial infarction (heart attack).