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arrowhead 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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arrowheads, plural;
  1. The pointed end of an arrow, typically wedge-shaped

  2. A decorative device resembling an arrowhead

  3. An aquatic or semiaquatic plant with arrow-shaped leaves and three-petaled white flowers

  1. the pointed head or striking tip of an arrow
  2. An arrowhead is a tip, usually sharpened, added to an arrow to make it more deadly or to fulfil some special purpose. Historically arrowheads were made of stone and of organic materials; as human civilization progressed other materials were used. ...
  3. Arrowhead was a professional football player who played in the National Football League during the 1923 season. That season he joined the NFL's Oorang Indians. The Indians were a team based in LaRue, Ohio, composed only of Native Americans, and coached by Jim Thorpe. ...
  4. Arrowhead Water, also known as Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water, is a brand of drinking water that is popular in the western United States, particularly in Arizona, the Northwest, and in California, where it is sometimes produced.
  5. Various obstacles are found in competitive sports involving Horse jumping. These include show jumping, hunter, and the cross-country phase of the equestrian discipline of eventing. ...
  6. Arrowhead is a 1953 western film directed by Charles Marquis Warren and starring Charlton Heston and Jack Palance. The film is based on the novel Adobe Walls by W.R.Burnett. The screenplay was also by Charles Marquis Warren.
  7. Arrowhead (1780), also known as Herman Melville House, was the home of American author Herman Melville during his most productive years from 1850-1863. ...
  8. Arrowhead is the name that science fiction writer James Blish and his wife, literary agent and science fiction writer Virginia Kidd, gave to their home in Milford, Pennsylvania. The Virginia Kidd Literary Agency has been operating continuously at Arrowhead since 1965.
  9. In archaeological terms, a projectile point is an object that was hafted to a projectile, such as a spear, dart, or arrow, or perhaps used as a knife.
  10. The Arrowhead was a daily passenger train operated by Amtrak between Minneapolis, Minnesota and Duluth, Minnesota.
  11. (Arrowheads) A signature stock-carving detail of Robert G Owen, reknown English-born American stockmaker, active 1920s - 1950s.  Photo
  12. A symbol shaped like an arrowhead that is used in illustration to direct a leader line. Reference, leader line
  13. The striking end of an arrow, usually made of a different type of material from the shaft such as iron, flint or bronze, depending the purpose of the arrow.
  14. A Chinese water plant with arrowhead-shaped leaves. The starchy roots can be thin sliced, lightly fried, and used in various Chinese dishes. The roots can also be powdered like arrowroot.
  15. (Sagittaria sagittifolia). Found all over continental United States and Canada, it is known by many Indian names, the most common being wapatoo. The tuber tastes like a potato and can be sun-dried for use in the winter. ...
  16. the pointed tip of an arrow. If the means of propulsion cannot with certainty be identified as a bow, the term projectile point is more properly used.
  17. an informal term for stone tips mounted on arrowshafts; the term projectile point is preferred because for many such pointed tools, the method of hafting or propulsion is inferred but not known.
  18. A type of cross-country fence. Arrowheads are also called chevrons, and are shaped like triangles, with the point facing towards the ground. They tend to be very narrow, usually only a few feet wide.
  19. The front end of an arrow; also known as the head, point or tip.
  20. An arrowhead, preferably obsidian, helps us protect ourselves from evil, in this case should be put above the doors.
  21. Canopus · Great Lakes · New England
  22. The part of a dimension or leader which points to an object or extension line. Arrowheads usually can be drawn automatically in several styles or shapes.