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arrivals 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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arrivals, plural;
  1. The action or process of arriving
    • - Ruth's arrival in New York
    • - he was dead on arrival at the hospital
  2. A person who has arrived somewhere
    • - hotel staff greeted the late arrivals
  3. The emergence or appearance of a new development, phenomenon, or product
    • - the arrival of democracy
  4. Such a new development, phenomenon, or product
    • - sociology is a relatively new arrival on the academic scene

  1. Imported goods that have been placed in a bonded warehouse because their duty has not yet been paid.
  2. Number of arrivals at a selected airport or group of airports.
  3. For Mobile Services : We will arrive 15 to 20-minutes prior to the client’s scheduled appointment time. For In-studio: Please arrive 15-minutes prior to your appointment. This will provide sufficient time for set up and consultation.
  4. Ashland, OR: Story Line Press, 2004.
  5. directions & map will be provided to help you locate each property. We will meet you at the property with the keys.