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arrear 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (arrears) the state of being behind in payments; "an account in arrears"
  2. (arrears) an unpaid overdue debt
  3. Arrears (also sometimes known as rearage) is a legal term for the part of a debt that is overdue after missing one or more required payments. The amount of the arrears is the amount accrued from the date on which the first missed payment was due; the account is said to be "in arrears". ...
  4. Work to be done, obligation; Unpaid debt; Towards the rear, backwards. [14th-16th c.]; Behind time; overdue. [15th-19th c.]
  5. (Arrears) A debt that is not paid on the due date adds up and accumulates as "arrears". For example, if you do not pay your rent, the debt still exists and is referred to as "arrears". The same word is used to describe child or spousal maintenance or support, which is not paid by the due date.
  6. (Arrears) (1) Payment made after it is due is in arrears. (2) Interest is said to be paid in arrears since it is paid to the date of payment rather than in advance, as is rent. Example: A rental payment made July 1 pays the rent to August 1. ...
  7. (Arrears) Usually measured in months or £'s. This is the measure by which mortgage payments are behind schedule. .
  8. (arrears) The situation in which mortgage interest and real estate taxes are paid at or after the end of the period for which they are levied.  Late payment is also described as being in arrears.
  9. (arrears) an overdue account yet to be paid.
  10. (Arrears) Contracted mortgage payment not made by the due date. Applicants who have arrears on a current mortgage may experience problems if attempting to arrange a new mortgage through the mainstream lenders. A number of lenders do, however, specialize in this area of the market.
  11. Arrears are the overdue payments owing on either a mortgage or a lease; it also refers to the state of being late in fulfilling the obligations of the mortgage or lease agreement.
  12. (ARREARS) Money which is not paid when due, under a payment plan or amortization schedule. Could lead to enforcement of loan agreement by lender
  13. (Arrears) This is a term used when a debt has not been paid on time and the payments become overdue. If the debt is not paid then action may be taken against you to reclaim the money. Back to top
  14. (Arrears) The state of a payment that has not been made on time. Unpaid debts are said to accumulate as such.
  15. (Arrears) If you fall behind with the contractually agreed payments of any debt, such as a loan, mortgage or utility bill, then your account is considered to be in arrears.
  16. (Arrears) This is the total of late or overdue payments for a mortgage or any other regular payment.
  17. (arrears) The amount that is unpaid and overdue as of the date the bankruptcy case is filed. The word "arrears" is usually used when referring to back child support, back alimony owed, or the amount that is past due on mortgage payments, including interest and penalties.
  18. (Arrears) Customers are said to be in arrears when they are behind in fulfilling their obligations with the result that an outstanding loan is unpaid or overdue. Such a customer is also said to be in a state of delinquency. ...
  19. (Arrears) An overdue account. For example, your lawyer may discover that the seller’s tax bill on a property is in arrears, meaning they’ve missed a scheduled payment.
  20. (Arrears) when a borrower has fallen behind on loan or mortgage repayments.
  21. (Arrears) An overdue amount that has not yet been paid.
  22. (Arrears) Mortgage payments which have not been paid as requested and have become overdue
  23. (Arrears) mortgage payment includes interest for prior month, or overdue payments in default.
  24. (Arrears [back to top]) To be in arrears is to be behind in the payments called for as part of the mortgage agreement.
  25. (Arrears) Money that was not paid when it was due, and which is still owing. Most commonly referred to in the context of dividends.