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aroused 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aroused, past tense; aroused, past participle; arouses, 3rd person singular present; arousing, present participle;
  1. Evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response)
    • - something about the man aroused the guard's suspicions
    • - the letter aroused in him a sense of urgency
  2. Excite or provoke (someone) to anger or strong emotions
    • - an ability to influence the audience and to arouse the masses
  3. Excite (someone) sexually

  4. Awaken (someone) from sleep
    • - she had been aroused by the telephone

  1. aroused to action; "the aroused opposition"
  2. stimulated: emotionally aroused
  3. brought to a state of great tension; "all wound up for a fight"
  4. feeling great sexual desire; "feeling horny"
  5. ablaze: keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement; "his face all ablaze with excitement"- Bram Stoker; "he was aflame with desire"
  6. (of persons) excessively affected by emotion; "he would become emotional over nothing at all"; "she was worked up about all the noise"
  7. (arouse) call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); "arouse pity"; "raise a smile"; "evoke sympathy"
  8. (arouse) wake up: stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"
  9. (arouse) raise: summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain"
  10. (arouse) stimulate: cause to be alert and energetic; "Coffee and tea stimulate me"; "This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate"
  11. (arouse) awaken: cause to become awake or conscious; "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"; "Please wake me at 6 AM."
  12. (arouse) to begin moving, "As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir"
  13. Sexual arousal, or sexual excitement, is the arousal of sexual desire, during or in anticipation of sexual activity. Things that precipitate human sexual arousal are called erotic stimuli, or colloquially known as turn-ons. ...
  14. (arousingly) In an arousing manner
  15. (arouse) (Henry VI, Part II - 4.1.4)
  16. (arouse) to excite; bring about
  17. to stir up, excite – And the crowd at Madison Square Garden is aroused!