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aromatherapist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (aromatherapy) the therapeutic use of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils in baths or massage
  2. Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mood, cognitive function or health. ...
  3. (Aromatherapy) (“ah-roam-uh-THER-ah-py”) involves the use of essential oils (extracts or essences) from flowers, herbs, and trees to promote health and well-being.
  4. (aromatherapy) Treatments such as massage, facials, body wraps, or hydrobaths that include the application of fragrant essential oils. Different oils are used for different therapeutic benefits. ...
  5. (Aromatherapy) A complementary therapy based on the healing properties of essential plant oils. The oils are usually massaged into the body, but they can be inhaled, used on a bath or in a cold compress placed next to the skin. See aromatherapy section.
  6. (Aromatherapy) The use of fragrant, natural, botanical essential oils from plants, leaves, bark, roots, seeds, resins and flowers as a healing art. Aromatherapy refreshes and relaxes the skin while soothing the mind by helping to induce a sense of well-being. ...
  7. (Aromatherapy) Focuses on the application and inhalation of essential oils (distilled essences of plants obtained primarily through steam). These are combined with carrier oils (cold-pressed from fruit, nut or seed sources) before being applied to the skin.
  8. (Aromatherapy) Uses essential oils extracted from plants and herbs to treat conditions ranging from infections and skin disorders to immune deficiencies and stress. ...
  9. Aromatherapy involves the use of volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and physical wellbeing. ...
  10. (Aromatherapy) the use of botanical aromas and essential oils to affect or alter a person’s mood or behavior and to treat body parts and conditions.
  11. (Aromatherapy) The use of scents as in essential oils to aid in the healing process.
  12. (Aromatherapy) Body, face, and/or scalp massage treatments that assist in improving circulation through use of aromatic essential oils extracted from plants, trees, and flowers
  13. (aromatherapy) using the scents or smells of essential oils that are taken from plants to treat various health conditions
  14. (Aromatherapy) French chemist Rene Gattefosse's experiments with pure essential oils derived from aromatic plants led him to coin the term "aromatherapy" to describe the physical and psychological benefits of the powerful scents given off by these oils. ...
  15. (Aromatherapy) The art and science of using pure essential oils extracted from natural botanicals to relax, balance and rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit.
  16. (Aromatherapy) uses plant essences, called essential oils, during massages or baths to promote relaxation, enhance therapeutic benefits, and alleviate stress.
  17. Aromatherapy uses essential oils to impact physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance, according to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy. ...
  18. Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of scent, particularly essential oils (concentrated plant extracts or diluted hydrosols), to promote healing, relaxation and overall physical and emotional well-being by applying the oil to the skin and/or inhaling the smell.
  19. (Aromatherapy) the use of essential oils that come from flowers, trees, and other plants in order to treat a variety of ailments such as stress and anxiety
  20. Aromatherapy utilizes the medicinal properties of essential oils extracted from plants and herbs through a process of steam distillation or cold pressing. ...
  21. (AROMATHERAPY) Drops of plant essences (oils) are used mixed with a carrier oil to be inhaled or massaged onto the body; causing a relaxing effect.  Relieves muscle aches, anxiety, insomnia and more. Specific techniques used.
  22. (Aromatherapy) 1. a form of healing based on the interaction of the chemical constituents in essential oils which interacts with the body’s chemistry in a direct manner, which in turn affects specific organs or systems as a whole.
  23. (Aromatherapy) A massage with oils from plant and flower essences intended to relax the skin’s connective tissue and stimulate the natural flow of lymph.
  24. (Aromatherapy) A natural therapy where vegetative elementary chemical compounds and energies are taken advantage of in the form of bath, massage, inhalation, compress and other application methods.
  25. (Aromatherapy) A tool to benefit our personal well-being. Essential oils are diffused and herbs are burnt to lift our spirits, inspire us, calm, relax and heal our emotions. Back to top