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arnica 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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arnicas, plural;
  1. A plant of the daisy family that bears yellow daisylike flowers. Native to cooler regions of the northern hemisphere, it is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental

  2. A preparation of this plant used medicinally, esp. for the treatment of bruises

  1. used especially in treating bruises
  2. any of various rhizomatous usually perennial plants of the genus Arnica
  3. A stimulant (increase circulation) that should only be applied to unbroken skin.
  4. This herb should not be taken internally as it is potentially toxic, it is one of the best remedies for external local healing and may be considered a specific when it comes to the treatment of bruises and sprains. ...
  5. Arnica Montana - Preparations made from the flowering heads of this plant have been used in medicine for hundreds of years. The active components are sesquiterpene lactones, which are known to reduce inflammation, bruising and decrease pain. ...
  6. The large orange flowers of this mountain botanical contain henalin, a strong anti-inflammatory agent that also increases blood circulation to help build healthy skin tissue.
  7. n. - genus of plants including the mountain tobacco; tincture obtained from mountain tobacco used for bruises, etc.
  8. is an excellent remedy for dealing with bruises, swelling & inflammation
  9. Bruises and similar injuries where the skin is unbroken, and mental and physical shock. Arnica is prepared from the daisylike herb of the same name, also known as fall herb, that usually grows in mountainous areas. ...
  10. Genus of plant species, related to the sunflower, it is Large yellow or orange. Arnica contains certain toxins that can be poisonous if ingested. Syrup of Arnica is, thus, used in the making of certain poisons, such as Potion No. 113.
  11. A type of herb that can cure sickness.
  12. is a genus belonging to the sunflower family, Asteraceae. Topical application has been clinically demonstrated to act as an anti-inflammatory and facilitate the transport of blood and fluid away from an area, such as under the eyes. Diminishes bruising.