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arming 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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armed, past tense; arms, 3rd person singular present; armed, past participle; arming, present participle;
  1. Supply or provide with weapons
    • - both sides armed themselves with grenades and machine guns
  2. Supply or provide with equipment, tools, or other items in preparation or readiness for something
    • - she armed them with brushes and mops
  3. Activate the fuse of (a bomb or other device) so that it is ready to explode

  1. the act of equiping with weapons in preparation for war
  2. (Armings) Waist clothes, also called armings or fights, were colored clothes or sheets, usually red, that were hung around the outside of a ship's upper works, fore and aft, and before the cubbridge heads. ...
  3. A piece of tallow put in the cavity and over the bottom of a lead-line.
  4. when the many computers of the system are being primed, but are not yet ready to fire.
  5. Hypothesis to explain the licensing effect. Postulates that self-MHC-class-I-specific receptor delivers signals necessary for licensed phenotype. Conceptually, the simplest model, but it is difficult to reconcile with the known role of ITIM in effector inhibition.