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armament 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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armaments, plural;
  1. Military weapons and equipment
    • - chemical weapons and other unconventional armaments
  2. The process of equipping military forces for war

  3. A military force equipped for war

  1. weaponry used by military or naval force
  2. arming: the act of equiping with weapons in preparation for war
  3. A body of forces equipped for war; All the cannon and small arms collectively, with their equipments, belonging to a ship or a fortification; Any equipment for resistance
  4. (Armaments) Weaponry or munitions
  5. Fitted to the two-man turret is a L21A1 30 mm RARDEN cannon and L94A1 EX-34 7.62 mm Hughes Helicopter coaxial chain gun. The cannon is capable of destroying most modern APC's at a maximum range of ~1,500 m.
  6. 9 of 480 mm guns in 3 turrets; 12 of 155 mm guns; 12 of 12.7 mm guns; 24 of 25 mm AA guns; 8 of 13 mm AA guns. By 1945 the 155 mm and 13 mm guns had been removed and the AA defences had been boosted to 146 of 25 mm guns.
  7. varies but includes Mark 46 torpedo, Mark 50 torpedo, AGM-114 Hellfire missile, AGM-119 Penguin missile (extremely limited use), M-60 machine gun, M-240 machine gun, GAU-16 machine gun, GAU-17 minigun
  8. M12 Warthog APC • Confetti Maker • MAKO Drone • Asteroidea Anti-Personnel Mine • Parabola-class Freighter • Antigravity plate • Laden-class Freighter • FENRIS Nuclear Warhead • Archer Missile
  9. 11 to 13 machine guns, 20,000-pound bomb load (B-17G)
  10. The whole weapons of a ship.