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armadillos, plural;
  1. A nocturnal omnivorous mammal that has large claws for digging and a body covered in bony plates. Armadillos are native to the south central US and Central and South America

  1. (armadillo) burrowing chiefly nocturnal mammal with body covered with strong horny plates
  2. Armadillos are small placental mammals, known for having a leathery armor shell. The Dasypodidae are the only surviving family in the order Cingulata, part of the superorder Xenarthra along with the anteaters and sloths. The word armadillo is Spanish for "little armored one".
  3. (Armadillo (C++ library)) The Armadillo C++ Library aims to provide an efficient and streamlined base for linear algebra operations (matrix maths), while at the same time having a straightforward and easy to use interface. Its intended target audience is scientists and engineers.
  4. (Armadillo (comics)) Armadillo (Antonio Rodriguez), is a fictional character, a minor former supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe. He first appeared in Captain America #308.
  5. (Armadillo (film)) Armadillo (2010) is a Danish documentary about the war in Afghanistan. The film follows the young men who are on their first mission in Helmand. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2010. It was a part of the Semaine de la Critique and competing for the Camera d'Or.
  6. (Armadillo (magazine)) Armadillo is a web-based magazine edited by Mary Hoffman and managed by her daughter Rhiannon Lassiter. ...
  7. (Armadillo (novel)) Armadillo is William Boyd's seventh novel.
  8. (Armadillo (protein)) Beta-catenin (or β-catenin) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CTNNB1 gene. In Drosophila, the homologous protein is called armadillo. ...
  9. (ARMADILLO) (Nov 23 - Dec 21) - You have a tendency to develop a tough exterior, but you are actually quite gentle. A good evening for you? Old friends, a fire, some roots, fruit, worms and insects. You are a throwback. You're not concerned with today's fashions and trends. ...
  10. (Armadillo) (2001) – Lorimer Black
  11. (Armadillo) 1) Possum on the half-shell. 2) Texas speed bump.
  12. (Armadillo) A game animal indigenous to the Southwest, it has a flavor comparable to duck.
  13. (Armadillo) To provide weapons to a Spanish pickle.
  14. (Armadillo) is currently developing vehicles to compete in the 2007 Lunar Lander Challenge as part of NASA's Centennial Challenges.
  15. (armadillo) A small set of drawers common to a select few dorms.
  16. (Cingulata). The extant giant of this group is the Giant Armadillo (Priodontes maximus). The top size for this species is 40 kg (132 lb) and 1.5 m (5 ft) in length. Much larger prehistoric examples are known, especially Glyptodon, which easily topped 2.7 m (9 ft) and 2 tonnes (4,400 lb).
  17. (in  armadillo (mammal): Natural history)