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arguable 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Able to be argued or asserted,
  1. Able to be argued or asserted
    • - an arguable case for judicial review
    • - it is arguable that egg donation raises a series of moral and practical problems
  2. Open to disagreement; not obviously correct
    • - a highly arguable assumption

  1. capable of being supported by argument
  2. open to argument or debate; "that is a moot question"
  3. (arguably) as can be shown by argument; "she is arguably the best"
  4. In logic, an argument is a set of one or more meaningful declarative sentences (or "propositions") known as the premises along with another meaningful declarative sentence (or "proposition") known as the conclusion. ...
  5. That which can be argued; i.e., that which can be proven or strongly supported with sound logical deduction, precedent, and evidence; Open to doubt, argument or debate
  6. (arguably) (adverb, with the addition of the derivational affixes -able and -ly, fused into one)
  7. (Arguably) A useful weasel word which can be used to preface any high-flown but un-provable assertion. ...
  8. (arguably) a vague, overused transitional phrase. Avoid it. See DM5 (Part Two).