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argillaceous 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of rocks or sediment) Consisting of or containing clay,
  1. (of rocks or sediment) Consisting of or containing clay

  1. resembling or containing clay; "argillaceous rocks"
  2. Argillaceous minerals appear silvery upon optical reflection and are minerals containing substantial amounts of clay-like components (ἄργιλλος = clay). ...
  3. clayey -- i.e., containing abundant clay.
  4. sandstones, such as greywacke, which have a significant clay or silt content.
  5. soils which are predominantly clay or abounding in clays or claylike materials.
  6. Describing rocks or sediments containing particles that are silt- or clay-sized, less than 0.625 mm in size. Most have a high clay-mineral content.
  7. Containing a certain amount of clayey matter, such as shale.
  8. containing or composed largely of clay (e.g. argillaceous shale, etc.)
  9. A general term for marl, sedimentary clay, shale or siltstones. Argilo-calcaire is a combination of limestone and clay.
  10. Consisting of clays or having a clayey nature
  11. Formations, beds, and strata that contain significant proportions of clay minerals such as found in shales, silts, and slate.
  12. Composed mostly of clay.