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arete 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a sharp narrow ridge found in rugged mountains
  2. An arête is a thin, almost knife-like, ridge of rock which is typically formed when two glaciers erode parallel U-shaped valleys. The arête is a thin ridge of rock that is left separating the two valleys. ...
  3. Arete (Greek: ; in English), in its basic sense, means excellence of any kind. In its earliest appearance in Greek, this notion of excellence was ultimately bound up with the notion of the fulfillment of purpose or function: the act of living up to one's full potential. ...
  4. In Greek mythology, Queen Arete (Greek: , Arêtê) of Scheria was the wife of Alcinous and mother of Nausicaa and Laodamas. She welcomed Odysseus and treated him hospitably. ...
  5. 197 Arete is a Main belt asteroid. It has a very bright surface, unusually bright even for a rocky S-type asteroid.
  6. Aretes (Greek) or Aretas was a Macedonian general. In the battle of Gaugamela he commanded the cavalry of Sarissophoroi replacing Protomachus.
  7. Alternative spelling of arête
  8. sharp, knife-like ridge formed between two cirques cutting back.
  9. A sharp, narrow mountain ridge. It often results from the erosive activity of alpine glaciers flowing in adjacent valleys.
  10. a sharp, steed-sided ridge in an upland area. Resultant of enlargement of adjacent corries.
  11. A narrow, sharp ridge separating two adjacent glacial valleys.
  12. Means "virtue". In Platonic ideal it is a reference to the importance of meaning above technical skill (techne). In other words it denotes mythological value within a literate framework or craft. Later philosophical movements Would refer to this notion as "High Art" vs. "Low Art".
  13. A French term referring to the bones in a fish backbone, an arête is a jagged, narrow ridge that separates two adjacent glacier valleys or cirques. The ridge frequently resembles the blade of a serrated knife. Source: Bruce Molnia
  14. [Fr.: "fish-bone"] 1. A sharp ridge. 2. (rock-climbing): a vertical corner in a rock face (sometimes useful as a handhold).
  15. The Phaeacian queen who married Medea to Jason. She was still queen when Odysseus came to the island. Arete was daughter of Rhexenor 2, son of Nausithous 1, son of Poseidon and Periboea 1, daughter of the giant Eurymedon 2. ...
  16. The Greek word for "excellence"; or "virtue".; The virtue of an Olympic swimmer is in swimming well, and the virtue of a national leader lies in motivating people to work for the common good.
  17. A sharp ridge of rock or snow and ice found in rugged mountains or when two planes of rock or snow wall jut from a face and intersect.
  18. steep-sided mountain ridge. (also spelled Arête)
  19. A rocky, sharp-edged ridge or spur, commonly present above the snowline in rugged mountains sculptured by glaciers.
  20. Virtue, excellence of character, qualities that would be inherent in a "natural leader," a component of ethos.
  21. n. A narrow ridge, or corner, of rock or snow. Derived from the french word for "stop".
  22. An outward pointing bit of rock; a ridge or rib. Not to be confused with a corner.
  23. A knife edge ridge formed by glacial erosion.
  24. Most generally anything "functioning excellence"; most specifically as phronesis operating to develop the virtues, viz., human functional excellence.
  25. the word can mean “skill”, “prowess” or “excellence” in a general sense, or it can mean the particular property that fits an item for its own use: i.e. the arete appropriate to a knife would be sharpness. ...