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areolate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. areolar: relating to or like or divided into areolae; "areolar tissue"
  2. Having areolas; Having a pattern of block-like areas similar to cracked dried mud
  3. (areolation) The network formed by the outlines of the cells of a leaf.
  4. With numerous areoles, i.e pockets or small interstices usually between the fibres or veinlets in a leaf blade.
  5. (referring to the receptacle) a receptacle with 'polygonal depressions... more or less flat bottomed and surrounded by a low, narrow ridge' (Small, 1919: 138).
  6. ornamentation of the thecal plates that consists of depressions of variable depth and form
  7. cap surface cracked into plaques or blocks (like dried mud)
  8. divided into small areas by cracks.