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archons 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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archons, plural;
  1. Each of the nine chief magistrates in ancient Athens

  2. Any ruler
    • - rock's archons are disc jockeys and concert promoters

  1. Archon (Gr. ἄρχων, pl. ἄρχοντες) is a Greek word that means "ruler" or "lord", frequently used as the title of a specific public office. It is the masculine present participle of the verb stem ἀρχ-, meaning "to rule", derived from the same root as monarch, hierarchy and anarchy.
  2. (Archon (convention)) Archon is a multigenre convention that was held annually in Collinsville, Illinois now in Maryland Heights, Missouri and is hosted by St. Louis Science Fiction, Ltd. It is the largest convention of its type in the St. ...
  3. (Archon (Dungeons & Dragons)) In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, archons are a type of creature from the Dungeons & Dragons role playing game. In 1st and 2nd edition, they are powerful lawful good creatures from the upper planes, and in 3rd edition they are celestials. ...
  4. (Archon (StarCraft)) Blizzard Entertainment's bestselling real-time strategy game series StarCraft revolves around interstellar affairs in a distant sector of the galaxy, with three species and multiple factions all vying for supremacy in the sector. ...
  5. (Archon(Lepidoptera)) Archon is a genus of Palaearctic swallowtail butterflies in the subfamily Parnassiiinae. Traditionally, only two species have been known: Archon apollinus and Archon apollinaris. Recent studies, however, have given specific status to a third taxon, Archon bostanchii.
  6. (archon) A chief magistrate of ancient Athens; A ruler, head of state or other leader; A supernatural being subordinate to the Demiurge
  7. (Archon) A vampire in the retinue of a justicar. Archons are generally nomadic in nature, frequently pursuing Kindred who have fled to avoid persecution at the hands of the Camarilla.
  8. (Archon) A Gnostic term which refers to the Demiurge -- the creator of the material world -- and his angels.
  9. (ARCHON) A directory of repositories maintained by The National Archives. The ARCHON directory provides a unique reference number for each repository, which allows the Hub's Cheshire 3 software to limit a search to a particular repository if required.
  10. (Archon) Archons are created when two High Templar merge. They have a powerful ranged attack that deals splash damage, and can take a strong beating with 350 shield points. However, they only have 10 hit points, so an EMP will bring them to near-death. ...
  11. (Archon) Athenian government official appointed to oversee the staging of drama at the City Dionysia festival.
  12. (Archon) In ancient Greece an archon might hold the position of chief magistrate, or a group of archons might share authority over civic, military, or religious affairs of state.
  13. (Archon) Office of the Camarilla; aides of justicars acting according to their wishes. If the justicars are the Inner Circle's hands, then the Archons are the fingers on these hands. Often, Archons can make a justicar's presence be felt even if he is not present at all. ...
  14. (Archon) The Archons of the kabals are the supreme leaders who rose too power very quickly. The Archon chooses where their kabal will strike and plunder. The Archon usually has a retinue of incubi. ...
  15. (Archon) The chief magistrate in a number of Greek city-states, including Athens. After the title of king of Attica was abolished, a single Archon was chosen, who exercised royal power for life. ...
  16. (Archon) The head master of a city. Archons are chosen by the priest class.
  17. (archon) Greek word for "official" or "magistrate." At Athens, one of nine chief officials.
  18. (archon) a wealthy Greek citizen who provided the financial backing for the drama festivals; the forerunner of the contemporary producer.