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architrave 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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architraves, plural;
  1. (in classical architecture) A main beam resting across the tops of columns, specifically the lower third entablature

  2. The molded frame around a doorway or window

  3. A molding around the exterior of an arch

  1. the molding around a door or window
  2. the lowest part of an entablature; rests immediately on the capitals of the columns
  3. a term generally used for the molding around a door or window, and specifically used for the lowest level of the entablature, directly above the capital of a column.
  4. A moulding used to surround a door, window, arch or wooden panelling, or the lowest horizontal moulding of a classical entablature.
  5. 1. The lowest part of a classical entablature. 2. A molding enframing an opening such as a window or areaway or the open space between a rowhouse and the sidewalk, usually beside the stoop.
  6. 1. Archit.- a chief beam, resting on columns 2. an ornament arching over a door or window
  7. Decorative timber, fitted around door frame or window, which can be plain or moulded.  Comes in various widths from 43mm and serves two purposes; To cover the gap between the wall and frame/lining, as well as providing a feature, that is aesthetically pleasing.
  8. the horizontal element spanning the interval between two columns
  9. An ornamental moulding fixed at the sides and tops of doors, windows and other openings. Its purpose is decorative and it also serves to cover the joints between the wall lining and adjacent woodwork.
  10. Term used to name the various parts, such as a lintel, jamb and moldings, which surround a window or door.
  11. Ornamental mouldings around door or window openings.
  12. The molding that surrounds a door, arch, or window. Also known as Casing.
  13. The ornamental border of an opening, architraves often form part of a door frame
  14. is also known as door header.  Traditionally used above doors, other applications include under windows or in mantel buildups to create an elegant look for your home.  Headers are installed over top of doors and windows in place of the top casing. ...
  15. The lowest division of the entablature resting immediately on the abacus of the column. Also a collective name for the various parts, jambs, lintels, etc, that surround a door or window; or moulding round an arch.
  16. A wooden frame used around doorframes to hide the gap between the frame and the plastered wall. Both doorframes and architraves may require undercutting to permit wood floors to fit underneath.
  17. n. - beam resting directly on columns; epistyle; moulding at head and sides of window or doorway.
  18. (or Epistyle) The bottom or lower most element of an entablature which rests on a vertical support or lintel such as a column.
  19. This is a wooden trim to match your floor that goes around the door trim. If you have an existing one our fitters can use a special saw to cut underneath.
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  21. Also ‘cover mould’ or door/window lining, moulding surrounding a door or window-opening to cover the joint between the window reveal and the wall finish.
  22. a moulding used to disguise the gap between joinery and other work.
  23. A beam above a doorway.
  24. the lintel extending from one column or pier to another
  25. Formalized lintel, the lowest member of the classical entablature. Also the moulded frame of a door or window (often borrowing the profile of a classical architrave).