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architecturally 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. with regard to architecture; "this building is ugly, but architecturally interesting"
  2. Architecture (Latin '''', from the Greek – arkhitekton, from "chief" and "builder, carpenter") can mean: *The art and science of designing and erecting buildings and other physical structures. ...
  3. (Architectural) (1) Pertaining to a class of construction, particularly in home building, of higher-than-average quality. (2) The term often pertains to the ornamental features of a structure.
  4. (ARCHITECTURAL) SIGNAGE: A term that was coined in the 1960s to identify visual communications and wayfinding information in the built environment. Hence, physical enhancements to a building or space with the purpose of identifying or communicating information.
  5. (Architectural) coarse/ bold leaves and stem forms giving a sculptural effect; eg. Scottish Thistle.
  6. (architectural) Describes plants that have very strong shapes and are used in landscapes for this reason.