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architectonic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or relating to architecture or architects,
  1. Of or relating to architecture or architects

  2. (of an artistic composition or physical appearance) Having a clearly defined structure, esp. one that is artistically pleasing
    • - the painting's architectonic harmony
  1. The scientific study of architecture

  2. Musical, literary, or artistic structure
    • - the architectonics of Latin prose

  1. tectonic: of or pertaining to construction or architecture
  2. (Architectonics) is the same thing as cytoarchitecture. Cytoarchitecture is the arrangement, or pattern of arrangement, of cells in a body tissue, organ, or structure. A cell is the smallest, most basic unit of life, that is capable of existing by itself. ...
  3. the logical structure given by reason (especially through the use of twofold and threefold divisions), which the philosopher should use as a plan to organize the contents of any system.
  4. Relating to structure, design, or organization.
  5. Term used metaphorically of a work of art with a structural pattern reminiscent of architecture in its rhythm and balance. ...