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archetype 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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archetypes, plural;
  1. A very typical example of a certain person or thing
    • - the book is a perfect archetype of the genre
  2. An original that has been imitated
    • - the archetype of faith is Abraham
  3. A recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology
    • - mythological archetypes of good and evil
  4. (in Jungian psychology) A primitive mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors, and supposed to be present in the collective unconscious

  1. original: something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies; "this painting is a copy of the original"
  2. (archetypal) representing or constituting an original type after which other similar things are patterned; "archetypal patterns"; "she was the prototypal student activist"
  3. An archetype is an original model of a person, ideal example, or a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated; a symbol universally recognized by all. In psychology, an archetype is a model of a person, personality, or behavior.
  4. Archetype is the fifth studio album by Los Angeles industrial metal band Fear Factory. It was released on April 19, 2004 through Liquid 8. This album is not a concept album like the previous three studio albums. ...
  5. UML color standards are a set of four colors associated with Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. The coloring system indicates which of several archetypes apply to the UML object. ...
  6. Archetype is the debut album from Tonedeff.
  7. An original model of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are merely derivative, copied, patterned, or emulated; a prototype; A character, story, or object that is based on a known character, story, or object; An ideal example of something; a quintessence; According to the ...
  8. (archetypal) Of or pertaining to an archetype
  9. Archetypes are seed ideas that are engrained within the “blueprint” of man. There are many types of archetypes: the Jungian types come from the “unconscious” and are biological; the Freudian archetypes are also unconscious but are personal and biographical. ...
  10. (Archetypes) symbols of the information contained in the collective unconscious
  11. (Archetypes) Images or thoughts that have the same meaning for all human beings.
  12. (ARCHETYPES) Universal symbols that speak in the language of the subconscious. They are the ideal images of deities and other powers.
  13. (Archetypes) (EF) Extremely basic forms within the human psyche; the archaic "racial memories." Refer to the works of Dr.Carl Jung.
  14. (Archetypes) (psych) - Jungian. Theoretical symbolic genetic markers which contain memories of past events in the history of a species.
  15. (Archetypes) An archetype is a way of seeing oneself in a dream experience. Many people dream at one time or another of doing something heroic. We all know what a heroic action is by a sort of mystic human understanding of goodness and sacrifice. ...
  16. (Archetypes) Certain character traits that appear in many stories. Such as the Alpha Male or the Virginal Heroine.
  17. (Archetypes) Energies and mental patterns that summon or speak for certain core ways of being in the world, for example love, humour, strength, gentleness.
  18. (Archetypes) From Jungian psychology, symbols and themes of such universality that they seem to be part of human psychic inheritance. ...
  19. (Archetypes) Images, patterns, or symbols that are part of our collective unconscious as human beings. Archetypal images are stronger and more durable than stereotypes. The Innocent setting out on a journey is an archetype especially common in young adult literature. ...
  20. (Archetypes) Places with certain easily identifiable qualities. Concept sometimes used in briefing and design workshops to get people to describe the kind of places they aspire to; for instance, a certain part of a certain city or a certain building.
  21. (Archetypes) Structural elements or dominants in the psyche which are in themselves indescribable, but which express themselves as dream and fantasy images and as fantasy motifs in consciousness; primordial images.
  22. (Archetypes) Symbolic representations of universal principles. Defining concepts in symbolic form. Apollo is an Archetype of the All Father.
  23. (archetypes) A prototype, pattern or stamp from which influence later items; quintessence. For Jung, universal thought forms, including the concepts of Mother, hero, devil, magic, God, and wise old man.
  24. (archetypes) in Jung's theory, inherited images that are passed down from our prehistoric ancestors and that reveal themselves as universal symbols in art, dreams, and religion. 449
  25. (archetypes) re-usable, formal models of domain concepts; artefacts on which the openEHR approach is built (see the openEHR Foundation's official definition^).