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archenemies 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. ArchEnemies is a comic book mini-series put out by Dark Horse Comics from April 5, 2006 until July 5, 2006. The series was created and written by Drew Melbourne with art by Yvel Guichet and Joe Rubinstein.
  2. An archenemy, archfoe, archvillain or archnemesis (sometimes spelled arch-enemy, arch-foe, arch-villain or arch-nemesis, originated around the mid-16th century) is the principal enemy of a character in a work of fiction, often described as the hero's worst enemy (compare).
  3. (Archenemy (band)) Arch Enemy is a Swedish melodic death metal band, originally a supergroup, from Halmstad, formed in 1996. Its members were in bands such as Carcass, Armageddon, Carnage, Mercyful Fate, Spiritual Beggars, and Eucharist to name a few. ...