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archduke 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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archdukes, plural;
  1. A son of the emperor of Austria

  1. a sovereign prince of the former ruling house of Austria
  2. The title of Archduke (feminine: Archduchess) (German: Erzherzog, feminine form: Erzherzogin) denotes a noble rank above Duke and below King, used primarily by princes of the Houses of Habsburg and Habsburg-Lorraine.
  3. The Archdukes are a genus (Lexias) of tropical forest-dwelling butterflies that are common throughout Southeast Asia and Australasia. Members of the brush-footed butterfly family Nymphalidae, the genus is represented by about 17 species. ...
  4. Title for the dukes of Austria, Lorraine, and Brabant, There is an informal SCA meaning for this term usually construed to mean a ‘duke’ who was reigned more than five times.