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arcane 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Understood by few; mysterious or secret,
  1. Understood by few; mysterious or secret
    • - modern math and its arcane notation

  1. requiring secret or mysterious knowledge; "the arcane science of dowsing"
  2. Esotericism or Esoterism is a term with two basic meanings. In the dictionary sense of the term, "esoterism" signifies the holding of opinions or beliefs, and derives from the Greek ' (esôterikos), a compound of ' (esô): "", thus "pertaining to the more inward", mystic. ...
  3. Anton Arcane is a DC Comics villain who first appeared in Swamp Thing vol. 1 #2, and was created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson.
  4. Arcane may refer to: * Esoteric * Mystic
  5. (arcanely) In an arcane way
  6. (adj) - understood by specialists; rare knowledge
  7. known to only a few; esoteric [L.- normal'>arcanus- hidden] (see holocryptic & recondite)
  8. (adj.) obscure, secret, known only by a few (The professor is an expert in arcane Kashubian literature.)
  9. An Arcane would refer to arcane casters, such as the wizard or sorcerer classes, and would exclude other divine-based spell casters (i.e., the cleric)
  10. the two halves of the Tarot deck. The Major Arcane consists of 22 cards that depict dominant occurrences in our lives, while the Minor Arcane consists of 56 "suit" cards that depict smaller occurrences or factors in our lives
  11. Refers to any secret and occult knowledge.
  12. Some Mages just seem to slip away into the background, unnoticed by most normal people. This effect is referred to as Arcane.