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arborescent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Treelike in growth or appearance,
  1. Treelike in growth or appearance
    • - arborescent ferns

  1. arboreal: resembling a tree in form and branching structure; "arborescent coral found off the coast of Bermuda"; "dendriform sponges"
  2. Arborescent is a term used by the French thinkers Deleuze and Guattari to characterize thinking marked by insistence on totalizing principles, binarism and dualism. ...
  3. (Arborescence (album)) Arborescence is an album by British band Ozric Tentacles. It was released in 1994 on Dovetail Records. The album was rereleased in 1999 on Snapper Music, this time with sleeve notes by Andy Garibaldi. ...
  4. (Arborescence (graph theory)) In graph theory, an arborescence is a directed graph in which, for a vertex called the root and any other vertex , there is exactly one directed path from to . In other words, an arborescence is a directed, rooted tree in which all edges point away from the root. ...
  5. Like a tree in structure, growth, or appearance; branching
  6. (arborescence) tree structure
  7. bushy, tree-like or growing in the form of a tree
  8. Synonym to dendritic: Aggregate composed of skeletal or tree-like formations. May be a single entity, or a formation that forms from mineral-rich solutions that deposit the mineral in rock and form a tree or plant structure embedded in rock. ...
  9. Resembling a tree in size and mode of growth.
  10. tree-like branching structure, attenuate with a long slender taper
  11. adj. - branched; having shape or growth like a tree. arborescence, n.
  12. Minerals having a treelike form with branches similar to the ones on a tree.
  13. resembling a tree in height.