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arabesques 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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arabesques, plural;
  1. An ornamental design consisting of intertwined flowing lines, originally found in Arabic or Moorish decoration
    • - arabesque scrolls
  2. A passage or composition with fanciful ornamentation of the melody

  3. A posture in which the body is supported on one leg, with the other leg extended horizontally backward

  1. (arabesque) position in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a conventional pose
  2. (arabesque) an ornament that interlaces simulated foliage in an intricate design
  3. The Deux arabesques, L. 66 (Two Arabesques) is a pair of arabesques composed by Claude Debussy. The arabesques are two of Debussy's earliest works, composed between the years 1888 and 1891. Debussy was still in his twenties.
  4. The arabesque is an artistic motif that is characterized by the application of repeating geometric forms and fancifully combined patterns; these forms often echo those of plants and animals. ...
  5. (Arabesque (ballet position)) In classical ballet, the term arabesque (aa-rah-besk; literally, "in Arabic fashion") indicates a position of the body where the dancer stands on one leg, while the other leg is extended behind the body, with both knees straight. ...
  6. (Arabesque (film)) Arabesque is a 1966 thriller starring Gregory Peck and Sophia Loren. The movie is based on Gordon Cotler's novel The Cypher and directed by Stanley Donen, who also directed Charade, Indiscreet, Funny Face, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and Saturn 3.
  7. (Arabesque (gay film)) Arabesque is a 2005 gay pornographic film released by Raging Stallion Studios. The film stars Raging Stallion exclusive models Huessein, François Sagat, Manuel Torres, Sarib, Ivan Andros, Joey Milano and J.C.
  8. (Arabesque (group)) Arabesque was created as an all-girl trio at the height of the disco era in 1977 in Frankfurt, Germany.
  9. (arabesque) An elaborate design of intertwined floral figures or complex geometrical patterns. This ornamental design is mainly used in Islamic Art and architecture; An ornate composition, especially for the piano; A dance position in which the dancer stands on one leg, with the other raised ...
  10. (arabesque) ["Arabic"]. A pose with one leg stretched straight out to the back and one arm usually stretched out to the front. The back leg may be on the floor or at 45, 90, or 135 degrees. (These angles are measured from the vertical; 90 degrees means parallel to the floor.)
  11. (Arabesque) one leg is down straight and the other leg is behind you almost at a ninety degree angle to your back.
  12. (Arabesque) variation of a liberty; stunt in which the base/bases holds one foot of the top person while she extends the other leg behind her, making a 90 degree angle with her standing leg.
  13. (Arabesque) Flowing scrolling epitomized by curlicues in low relief
  14. (Arabesque) A fanciful piano piece. Ornate passage varying or accompanying a theme.
  15. (Arabesque) a flowing interlaced ornament based on geometrical patterns of Arab origin.
  16. (Arabesque) A repetitive, intricate pattern derived from Arab designs based originally on plant and flower motifs.
  17. (Arabesque) A painted, inlaid, or carved design in interlacing patterns of floral, geometric, or figural forms.
  18. (arabesque) n. 1. a complex, elaborate design of intertwined flowers, foliage, geometrical patterns, etc. painted or carved in low relief 2. adj.- fanciful, ornamental
  19. (Arabesque) Intricate patterns of intertwining flowers, vines, and other natural plants.
  20. (ARABESQUE) An intricate decorative pattern joining plant, animal, and sometimes human forms.
  21. (ARABESQUE) Stylized foliage arranged in a swirling, interlaced pattern and combining flowers and tendrils with spirals and zigzags. It originated in the Middle East and was popular in Europe until the early 17th century.
  22. (Arabesque) (ah-ra-BESK) - Balance on one leg with the other leg raised backwards to near horizontal. Chest is kept high, as close to vertical as possible.
  23. (Arabesque) 1957. Vc, chamber orch. Ms. RCI 187/7-ACM 20 (Nelsova)
  24. (Arabesque) A braided ornamental interlacing pattern stitched on garments, flags, and banners to enhance, enrich, or embellish.  The intricate pattern employs flowers, foliage, fruit, acorns, animals, or Nobel designs.  Used by Arabians and Europeans during the medieval period. ...
  25. (Arabesque) A florid melodic section (the real meaning is a florid element in Arabian architecture). Generally used for characteristic pieces of a more or less casual type.