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aquavit 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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An alcoholic spirit made from potatoes or other starchy plants,
  1. An alcoholic spirit made from potatoes or other starchy plants

  1. Scandinavian liquor usually flavored with caraway seeds
  2. A Scandinavian liquor that is 40% alcohol and distilled from potato or grain mash. Also called akvavit; A Polish, Ukrainian, or Russian drink that is a precursor or variant of vodka. Also called okovita
  3. or akvavit, is a popular celebratory alcoholic drink made with potatoes and herbs such as caraway seeds. Other, more regional traditional foods are the surströmming parties in Northern Sweden (surströmming is a type of fermented fish) and ålagillen (eel parties) in Scania in Southern Sweden. ...
  4. Colorless or yellowish alcohol distilled from potatoes, commonly used as a medicinal spirit.
  5. Scandanavian Vodka flavored with caraway, dill and other herbs and spices.
  6. Alcoholic beverage from grain or potato's, distilled in northern Europe.
  7. Norwegian eau-de-vie, or pure alcohol. A kind of state-controlled moonshine, as far as my taste-buds can tell.