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aquatic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or relating to water,
  1. Of or relating to water

  2. (of a plant or animal) Growing or living in or near water
    • - the bay could support aquatic life
  3. (of a sport) Played in or on water

  4. (of a shop or dealer) Specializing in products for ponds or aquariums

  1. An aquatic plant or animal, typically one suitable for a pond or aquarium

  2. Sports played in or on water

  1. relating to or consisting of or being in water; "an aquatic environment"
  2. a plant that lives in or on water
  3. operating or living or growing in water; "boats are aquatic vehicles"; "water lilies are aquatic plants"; "fish are aquatic animals"
  4. (aquatics) water sport: sports that involve bodies of water
  5. Aquatic is the third album by Australian improvised music trio The Necks released on the Fish of Milk label in 1994 and the Carpet Bomb label in the US in 1999. ...
  6. Relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water
  7. (aquatically) In an aquatic style or manner
  8. (Aquatics) Image File history File links No higher resolution available. ... Image File history File links No higher resolution available. ... Image File history File links No higher resolution available. ... Image File history File links No higher resolution available. ... ...
  9. Plant which grows partially or completely in water.
  10. A plant that grows in water, either submerged or with its flowers and leaves floating on the surface.
  11. Pertaining to water - as in aquatic habitat (ponds, lakes, streams, oceans, etc).
  12. Able to live in water, as a fish or turtle.
  13. relating to water, particularly freshwater
  14. Growing under, in, or on water (generally fresh; if brackish, saline, or marine, so indicated), whether rooted in bottom or floating, and including plants with parts of shoots submersed but with other parts above water; excluding plants of seeps or wet rocks. (see emersed, submersed) (e.g. ...
  15. Organisms (plant or animal) living in the water all or part of their lifetime
  16. Aquatic is a term used to describe species that live in water or use water bodies as their primary habitat (e.g., rivers, streams, lakes, bays, and oceans). Source: National Park Service; Katie KellerLynn
  17. An animal that lives in either freshwater, brackish water or sea water.
  18. Related to environments that contain liquid water.¹
  19. Living wholly or chiefly on or in water.
  20. Work relating to organic maintenance of ponds, lakes, streams and large-scale constructed water features.
  21. Living or growing in fresh water (in contrast to marine organisms found in salt water)
  22. Dwelling in the water. Most reptiles and amphibians are technically semiaquatic.
  23. refers to water aquatic insect: insect species whose larval stages live in water
  24. lives in water; in insects, this almost always means living in freshwater systems
  25. Living in water, such as fish, crayfish, salamanders.