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apses, plural;
  1. A large semicircular or polygonal recess in a church, arched or with a domed roof, typically at the eastern end, and usually containing the altar

  1. (apse) a domed or vaulted recess or projection on a building especially the east end of a church; usually contains the altar
  2. An apsis, plural apsides (pronounced /ˈæpsɨdiːz/), is the point of greatest or least distance of a body from one of the foci of its elliptical orbit. In modern celestial mechanics this focus is also the center of attraction, which is usually the center of mass of the system. ...
  3. APSE standing for Ada Programming Support Environment was a specification for a programming environment to support software development in the Ada programming language. This represented the second stage of the U.S. ...
  4. (Apse) In architecture, the apse (Greek αψις (apsis), then Latin absis: "arch, vault"; sometimes written apsis; plural apses) is a semicircular recess covered with a hemispherical vault or semi-dome. ...
  5. (Apse(band)) Apse (pronounced "apps") is an American rock band signed to the UK label ATP Recordings and Spanish label . ...
  6. (apse (Lat. absis, "arch, vault")) A semicircular projection, roofed with a half-dome, at the east end of a church behind the altar. Smaller subsidiary apses may be found around the choir or transepts. Also known as an exedra. The adjective is apsidal.
  7. (Apse) The semi-circular termination of the east end of the chancel or chapel.
  8. (Apse) A vaulted extension or projection of circular or polygonal shape, coming from a choir or chapel.
  9. (apse) projecting part of a church that is usually semicircular and vaulted
  10. (Apse) semi-circular or multifaceted vault, topped with a cupola or arch, usually located in the east of a Christian church behind the altar.
  11. (Apse) A large, semicircular or polygonal and usually vaulted niche, protruding from the end wall of a building in a Christian Church; it contains the alter.
  12. (apse) a recess, usually semicircular, in the wall of a Roman basilica or at the east end of a church.
  13. (Apse) 1) Part of a building semi-circular in plan. 2) Semicircular or polygonal end to a building.
  14. (Apse) a semicircular space, usually at the end of a hall or basilica
  15. (APSE) (sometimes pronounced “AP-see”) = Association for Persons in Supported Employment [Snelling Center]
  16. (APSE) Association for Public Service Excellence
  17. (APSE) Large semi circular recess, arched or dome-roofed
  18. (Apse (chevet)) describes an arch either semi circular or polygonal at the end of the choir
  19. (Apse) A 180 degree, semicircular extension space, which traditionally projects from the eastern end of Christian churches, or from that end which contains the altar and faces the nave. The space is usually covered by a 180 degree half-dome and the space provides passage behind the altarpiece. ...
  20. (Apse) If the wall behind the altar (the east wall) is curved, it forms a semicircular area that is called an apse. In ancient times, large church buildings were modeled after a type of Roman public building that had such a wall.
  21. (Apse) Rounded and usually of a chancel or chapel.
  22. (Apse) The eastern complex of the church, with all the parts within the curved section, including the ambulatory, chapels and roundpoint, called a chevet.
  23. (Apse) The section of the cathedral that usually contains the altar. It is often shaped like a semicircle and traditionally faces east. (The apse of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis faces north.)
  24. (Apse) When a something moves in a central orbit (for example, an ellipse), any point on the orbit where the motion of the thing is at right angles to the central radius vector is called an apse.
  25. (Apse) is vaulted at one end of a church and is semi-circular