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apropos 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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With reference to; concerning,
  1. Very appropriate to a particular situation
    • - the composer's reference to child's play is apropos
  1. With reference to; concerning
    • - she remarked apropos of the initiative, “It's not going to stop the abuse.”
  1. Used to state a speaker's belief that someone's comments or acts are unrelated to any previous discussion or situation
    • - Isabel kept smiling apropos of nothing

  1. of an appropriate or pertinent nature
  2. seasonably: at an opportune time; "your letter arrived apropos"
  3. by the way: introducing a different topic; in point of fact; "incidentally, I won't go to the party"
  4. In computing, apropos is a command to search the manual pages files in Unix and Unix-like operating systems.
  5. (apropo) Common misspelling of apropos
  6. Show all commands with the keyword in their description. The same as the "man -k" command.
  7. means ‘with reference to’, not ‘appropriate’
  8. Search the whatis database for strings.
  9. appropriate to the situation
  10. With regard to; concerning