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approver 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. an authority with power to approve
  2. To turn state's evidence is when an accused or convicted criminal testifies as a witness for the state against his associates or accomplices. ...
  3. One who approves or gives approval; (law) In English common law, a person who accuses a confederate; who commits approvement
  4. Approvers (usually supervisors) review and approve time worked and leave. Once approved, time/leave is processed by the central payroll office.
  5. A role in workflow that is granted to users as determined by their school/department. Depending on the transaction type, commodity, chart string and/or dollar amount, some financials transactions are also subject to approval by Approvers in central offices such as PRS, ASRSP, and Research Safety ...
  6. Individuals within each owner group with authority to mark a document's content as accurate. See In the Workshop, how do I approve a document?, In the Workshop, how do I submit a document for approval?, and Knowledge Base and Workshop work flows and timelines.
  7. An individual who will electronically approve requisitions in PeopleSoft. Return to top
  8. A user authorized to approve or reject a request received by the approval subsystem. Approvers are specified by the approval policy that initiates an approval workflow.
  9. A user who has permission to approve or reject documents in a specified folder.