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appropriateness 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. appropriate conduct; doing the right thing
  2. the quality of being specially suitable
  3. Morality (from the Latin '' "manner, character, proper behavior") is a sense of behavioral conduct that differentiates intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (or right) and bad (or wrong). ...
  4. the quality or condition of being appropriate
  5. Appropriate health care is care for which the expected health benefit exceeds the expected negative consequences by a wide enough margin to justify treatment [42].
  6. The extent to which a particular procedure, treatment, test, or service is clearly indicated, not excessive, adequate in quantity, and provided in the setting best suited to a patient's or member's needs. (See also, medically necessary)
  7. The suitability of a statistic for empirical measurement; it speaks to the cogency of a data element representing a study factor. ...
  8. The quality, relevancy, and reliability of the evidence.
  9. of the lyrics and/or the notes to the setting in which one proposes to sing or play them
  10. A term used to describe how appropriate a response, situation or policy is to a circumstances faced. Context is the deciding factor in ‘appropriateness’, along with following an organisation’s (NGO / UN / AU) rules and mandate are of key importance.
  11. Theories are often evaluated based upon how well their epistemological, ontological, and axiological assumptions relate to the issue or question being explained. If a theory recapitulates its assumptions (if it is tautological), it is not an effective theory.
  12. Deciding when to use humor rather than give a serious response.
  13. Where receipt of a message by a given time/date is critical or the subject matter is of an important nature, such message should be communicated by facsimile or courier to ensure that it is received and can be acted upon. ...
  14. A criterion of communication competence that is achieved when communication does not violate behavioral expectations, weaken relationships among communicators, or threaten any member's self-esteem.
  15. A judgment that an intervention is warranted. This judgment is generally the result of some formal process of expert consultation that considers issues of acceptability, feasibility, and costs.