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apprehended 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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apprehends, 3rd person singular present; apprehending, present participle; apprehended, past tense; apprehended, past participle;
  1. Arrest (someone) for a crime
    • - a warrant was issued but he has not been apprehended
  2. Understand or perceive
    • - great art invites us to apprehend beauty
  3. Anticipate (something) with uneasiness or fear

  1. appreciated: fully understood or grasped; "dangers not yet appreciated"; "these apprehended truths"; "a thing comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known"
  2. (apprehend) grok: get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?"
  3. (apprehend) collar: take into custody; "the police nabbed the suspected criminals"
  4. (apprehend) anticipate with dread or anxiety
  5. (apprehension) fearful expectation or anticipation; "the student looked around the examination room with apprehension"
  6. (apprehension) understanding: the cognitive condition of someone who understands; "he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect"
  7. (apprehension) the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal); "the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar"
  8. (Apprehension (fear)) Fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger. Some psychologists such as John B. ...
  9. (Apprehension (understanding)) In psychology, apprehension (Lat. ad, "to"; prehendere, "to seize") is a term applied to a model of consciousness in which nothing is affirmed or denied of the object in question, but the mind is merely aware of ("seizes") it.
  10. (apprehend) To take or seize; to take hold of; Hence: (transitive) To take or seize (a person) by legal process; to arrest; as, to apprehend a criminal; To take hold of with the understanding, that is, to conceive in the mind; to become cognizant of; to understand; to recognize; to consider; ...
  11. (apprehension) The physical act of seizing or taking hold of; seizure; The act of seizing or taking by legal process; arrest; The act of grasping with the intellect; the contemplation of things, without affirming, denying, or passing any judgment; intellection; perception; Opinion; conception; ...
  12. (Apprehend) To take somebody into custody of police.
  13. (Apprehend) In law, to take; to seize. In family law, this term usually refers to the taking of a child out of the care of his or her parents by the child welfare authorities.
  14. (APPREHEND) seize in the name of the law.
  15. (apprehend) Capture, arrest, to become aware of.
  16. (apprehend) To mentally grasp and hold, to see or understand; to physically detain.
  17. (Apprehension) The arrest of a removable alien by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Each apprehension of the same alien in a fiscal year is counted separately.
  18. (apprehension) The ability to think and use memory; seizing or capturing perceptions or knowledge. The "span of apprehension" is the number of items one is able to hold in memory at one time, and was studied by James McKeen Cattell.
  19. (Apprehension) An actual arrest of a suspected criminal resulting from the police department responding to a dispatched alarm.
  20. (Apprehension) includes such conditions such as terrified, anxious, fearful and frightened.
  21. (apprehension) (n.): In this case, fear