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appreciations 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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appreciations, plural;
  1. The recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something
    • - I smiled in appreciation
    • - she shows a fine appreciation of obscure thinkers
  2. Gratitude for something
    • - they would be the first to show their appreciation
  3. A piece of writing in which the qualities of a person or the person's work are discussed and assessed

  4. Sensitive understanding of the aesthetic value of something
    • - courses in music appreciation
  5. A full understanding of a situation
    • - they have an appreciation of the needs of users
    • - the bank's lack of appreciation of their problems
  6. Increase in monetary value
    • - the appreciation of the franc against the dollar

  1. (appreciatory) Showing appreciation; appreciative
  2. Personal testimonies by artists, historians, critics, and students focus in depth on specific works of art and expose readers to different voices and ways of responding to art.