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appraises 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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appraising, present participle; appraised, past tense; appraised, past participle; appraises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Assess the value or quality of
    • - she stealthily appraised him in a pocket mirror
    • - the interviewer's job is to appraise and evaluate
  2. (of an official or expert) Set a price on; value
    • - they appraised the painting at $200,000

  1. (appraise) measure: evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of; "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"; "access all the factors when taking a risk"
  2. (appraise) survey: consider in a comprehensive way; "He appraised the situation carefully before acting"
  3. appraising(a): exercising or involving careful evaluations; "looked him over with an appraising eye"; "the literary judge uses many evaluative terms"
  4. (appraise) To set a value; to estimate the worth of, particularly by persons appointed for the purpose; as, to appraise goods and chattels; To estimate; to conjecture; To praise; to commend
  5. (Appraise) To set and state in writing the true value of property.
  6. (Appraise) To fix or set a price or value upon.
  7. (APPRAISE) To make an estimate of value of an asset, for example an investment or capital asset, particularly of the value of property.
  8. (Appraise) Exercise expert judgment of the value or status of proposals or performance.
  9. (Appraise) To determine the current replacement value or purchase price of an object, usually for the purpose of insuring it. Similar to, but not the same as, determining value. Appraisal is sometimes defined as an estimate of the hypothetical current cost of acquisition. See insure and value.
  10. (Appraise) to evaluate or judge.
  11. (appraise (v)) To decide the value, quality or worth of something
  12. (Appraising) The process of evaluating a domain name and determining its market value.