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appoints 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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appointing, present participle; appointed, past tense; appoints, 3rd person singular present; appointed, past participle;
  1. Assign a job or role to (someone)
    • - she has been appointed to the board
    • - a delegated engineer will be appointed to oversee each graduate
    • - they appointed her as personnel manager
  2. Determine or decide on (a time or a place)
    • - they appointed a day in May for the meeting
  3. Decree
    • - such laws are appointed by God
  4. Decide the disposal of (property of which one is not the owner) under powers granted by the owner
    • - trustees appoint the capital to the beneficiaries

  1. (appoint) create and charge with a task or function; "nominate a committee"
  2. (appoint) assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to; "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance"
  3. (appoint) furnish; "a beautifully appointed house"
  4. (appoint) : To fix with power or firmness; to establish; to mark out; : To fix by a decree, order, command, resolve, decision, or mutual agreement; to constitute; to ordain; to prescribe; to fix the time and place of; : To assign, designate, or set apart by authority; : To furnish in all points; ...
  5. (APPOINT) What a court does to affirm a person's nominee as his/her fiduciary and to authorize that person to act as a fiduciary.  Compare: NOMINATE.
  6. (appoint) v. to name; to choose ("appoint a judge")
  7. (APPOINT) order the destination of property (in court).
  8. (Appoint) To designate, select, or assign authority to a position or an office.
  9. (appoint) select/designate, assign, fix, decide, set, order, require, enjoin, prescribe, ordain, furnish, equip
  10. legally, to appoint a person to a position in writing.
  11. To select a person or a group of people for an official position or to do a job.