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appointments 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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appointments, plural;
  1. An arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place
    • - she made an appointment with my receptionist
  2. An act of appointing; assigning a job or position to someone
    • - his appointment as president
  3. A job or position
    • - she took up an appointment as head of communications
  4. A person appointed to a job or position

  5. Furniture or fittings
    • - the room was spartan in its appointments

  1. (appointment) the act of putting a person into a non-elective position; "the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee"
  2. (appointment) date: a meeting arranged in advance; "she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date"
  3. (appointment) (usually plural) furnishings and equipment (especially for a ship or hotel)
  4. (appointment) appointee: a person who is appointed to a job or position
  5. (The Appointment (novel)) The Appointment (Heute wär ich mir lieber nicht begegnet) is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning author Herta Müller, published in German in 1997. It was published in English by Metropolitan Books and Picador, a Macmillan imprint, in 2001. ...
  6. (appointment) The act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office or discharge a trust; The state of being appointed to a service or office; an office to which one is appointed; station; position; Stipulation; agreement; the act of fixing by mutual agreement; An arrangement for a ...
  7. (Appointment) an offer of admission to a candidate
  8. (appointment) a personal sales visit to a prospect, usually arranged by phone.
  9. (Appointment) The authorization or certffication of an agent to act for or represent an insurance company.
  10. (APPOINTMENT) Any personnel action that brings an individual onto the rolls (staff) of an agency. (See ACCESSION.)
  11. (2. Appointment) 2.1 The Client agrees to engage the Consultant and the Consultant agrees to provide the Services to the Client.
  12. (APPOINTMENT) the employment of a person to work in the department in any paid or unpaid employment capacity including volunteering.
  13. (Appointment) A status with the laboratory, paid or unpaid, given to guests of Brookhaven National Laboratory (non-employees) who will be on site or who will make repeat visits to the laboratory. ...
  14. (Appointment) An entry in Calendar for yourself only.
  15. (Appointment) In one sense a document by which a person who had power to do so by deed or will appointed the uses of realty. For instance, under a settlement a man who has the use for life may have power to appoint the subsequent use to another - say, a child. ...
  16. (Appointment) Notaries in the United States can be appointed by their state or residence, or in some cases by neighboring states, or a state wherein the notary has employment, or runs a business. Notaries are often independently employed, but often work for the government, or a private employer.
  17. (Appointment) The pastoral charge or other position in the church to which an ordained ministerial member is assigned by a bishop, or between sessions of the Annual Conference, by a district superintendent.
  18. (Appointment) When it is necessary to call ahead to arrange a specific day for delivery, A.M or P.M is usually stipulated. Additional charges may apply.
  19. (Appointment) a fixed mutual agreement for a meeting; engagement.
  20. (Appointment) an annual assignment by the Annual Conference to a field of service, which may be a local church or special appointment beyond the local church, such as chaplain, counselor, to attend school, etc. ...
  21. (Appointment) this is OK for White Belts who only record meetings with others in their calendars, but it becomes a problem for Yellow and Orange Belts.  When they need to schedule a solo activity they are forced to talk about “appointments with themselves”… ...
  22. (appointment) 1. The scriptural method of assigning privileges of service. (Act 20:28) {Elders}, {ministerial servants}, and regular and special {pioneers} are all appointed by the {Society}. 2. The designation of responsibility itself. ...
  23. (appointment) The process whereby an air carrier or other supplier certifies a travel agency to act as its agent.
  24. (appointment) at Weather Shield lunchtime supervoice serials
  25. Chattels or decorative touches that may affect the value of a property.