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appointees 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (appointee) an official who is appointed
  2. (Appointee) a qualified candidate who has been offered an appointment to the Academy
  3. (Appointee) Someone, usually a relative or close friend, appointed by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (through the local social security office) who makes claims and receives benefit on behalf of a recipient of long term care.
  4. (APPOINTEE) Career - An individual in an SES position whose appointment to the position, or previous appointment to another SES position, was based on a competitive SES merit staffing process and whose executive qualifications for the SES were certified by a Qualifications Review Board, or an ...
  5. (APPOINTEE) A person being hired for a position in an agency.
  6. (Appointee) (Ap-poi'n-tay) Pointed. Applied to things which touch at the points or ends, as two swords touching each other at their points or tips.
  7. (Appointee) A third party who is not an agent but has been appointed by an HMRC customer to act on their behalf. Typically, this may be a family member, friend or business associate of the customer. In all cases HMRC must have evidence of the customer's consent for the appointee to act.