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apperceptions, plural;
  1. The mental process by which a person makes sense of an idea by assimilating it to the body of ideas he or she already possesses

  2. Fully conscious perception
    • - an immediate apperception of a unity lying beyond

  1. the process whereby perceived qualities of an object are related to past experience
  2. Apperception (from the Latin, ad-: "to, toward, or to go near" and percipere: "to perceive, gain, secure, learn, or feel") is a term that can describe various aspects of perception and consciousness in such fields as psychology, philosophy and epistemology.
  3. The mind's perception of itself as the subject or actor in its own states, unifying past and present experiences; self-consciousness, perception that reflects upon itself; Psychological or mental perception; recognition; The general process or a particular act of mental assimilation of new ...
  4. introspective self-consciousness
  5. Self-conscious awareness (as opposed to sensory perception of external objects), including especially the operation of the will, in the philosophy of Leibniz and Kant. ...
  6. In epistemology, the human mind’s awareness or understanding of its own contents. In psychology, the process whereby the human mind integrates new experiences with past experiences to form a new composite unity of understanding.
  7. According to Leibniz and Kant: the mind's self-reflective awareness of its own thoughts.  Compare: reflection.
  8. Active perception; conscious thought. For Herbart, apperception is a readiness for new perceptual experience. For Wundt, it is an act of volition.
  9. n. - perception of inner meaning, and of relation of new facts to facts already known; mental assimilation; state of being conscious of perceiving. apperceptive, adj. apperceive, v.
  10. The process of understanding through linkage with previous experience. The term was coined by one of the authors of the Thematic Apperception Test to underscore the fact that people don't "perceive" the story cards in a vacuum; rather, they construct their stories on the basis of past ...
  11. means to perceive a thing before it happens, a soul faculty synthesized of all indrawn (sublimated) physical senses, mental faculties and soul faculties; the cosmic consciousness of the "I AM," Christ consciousness.
  12. The notion that a person's needs influence how he or she perceives the environment, especially when the environment is ambiguous. The act of interpreting the environment and perceiving the meaning of what is going on in a situation.
  13. the apprehension by the mind of its own mental states; introspection; widely believed to be infallible.  One of Freud's key lasting insights is to recognize the obscene fallibility of apperception.