- supplementary material that is collected and appended at the back of a book
- a vestigial process that extends from the lower end of the cecum and that resembles a small pouch
- In human anatomy, the appendix (or vermiform appendix; also cecal (or caecal) appendix; also vermix) is a blind-ended tube connected to the cecum (or caecum), from which it develops embryologically. The cecum is a pouchlike structure of the colon. ...
- The American Quarter Horse is an American breed of horse that excels at sprinting short distances. Its name came from its ability to outdistance other breeds of horses in races of a quarter mile or less; some individuals have been clocked at speeds up to 55 mph (88.5 km/h). ...
- Something attached to something else; an attachment or accompaniment; Specifically, a text added to the end of a book or an article, containing information that is important to but is not the main idea of the main text; The vermiform appendix, an inner organ without known use that can become ...
- (Appendixes) This section includes Factbook-related material by topic.
- (Appendixes) Supporting documents such as a list of acronyms, copies of statutes, and maps that provide additional guidance and references for planning.
- (Appendices) supplementary information; one copy of instrument(s) used; copy of standardized instructions and debriefing notes
- (The Appendices) A Dictionary of Genetics is unique in that only 80% of the pages contain definitions. The final fifth of the Dictionary is devoted to six Appendices, which supply a wealth of useful resource material.
- Blind sac at the end of the large intestine that usually ruptures during final exams; a vestigial organ in humans.
- a small pouch, attached to the first part of the large intestine, whose function in the body is unknown.
- A small, finger-like tube located where the large and small intestine join. It has no known function.
- The part of book that follows a chapter (end-of-chapter appendix) or, more commonly, that comes after all the chapters (end-of-book appendix) and contains supplemental material, such as tables or source material, which does not conveniently fit into a chapter
- material appearing at the end of the book which is not part of the main text
- appendix refers to a resource serving as an appendix in a collection.
- Unessential and supplemental information that may be added to your application, including publications, manuscripts, abstracts, patents, questionnaires, data collection instruments, and photographs. No reviewer is obligated to review anything in an appendix.
- Latin appendere = to hang on, supplement.
- An emergency operations plan element attached to a functional annex to provide information on special approaches or requirements generated by unique characteristics of specified hazards of particular concern to the jurisdiction.
- A string of bits formed by the signature and an optional text field. [SC27] (see also signature)
- Short, tubelike structure that branches off the large intestine; does not have any known function.
- An appendix is a place where you put information that does not deserve to be included in the report itself but may be helpful to some readers who want to know more about the details.
- A compilation of supplementary materials such as copies of court records and portions of a transcript filed in a case that is required to be filed on appeal along with the briefs.
- Supplementary material (such as large data tables, examples of questionnaires) usually too extensive to place within a regular manuscript— to the point that it would interupt the flow of the manuscript. Appendices are sometimes placed at the end of an article or may be published exclusively online.
- A small, fingerlike extension of the vertebrate cecum; contains a mass of white blood cells that contribute to immunity
- The section of a research report that includes all related information and examples that might disrupt the flow of information in the report.