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appendage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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appendages, plural;
  1. (often with negative or pejorative connotations) A thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important
    • - they treat Scotland as a mere appendage of England
  2. A projecting part of an invertebrate or other living organism, with a distinct appearance or function
    • - many species have specialized clutching appendages

  1. extremity: an external body part that projects from the body; "it is important to keep the extremities warm"
  2. process: a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant; "a bony process"
  3. a part that is joined to something larger
  4. (appendaged) having an appendage
  5. (Appendages) Such items as shafting, struts, bossing, docking and bilge keels, propellers, rudder and any other feature, extraneous to the hull and generally immersed.
  6. (Appendages) An accessory structure. Used for some activity such as walking, feeding, chemoreception, touch or swimming. Term often used with arthropods.
  7. (Appendages) Ten legs (five pairs) including a claw-bearing pair with spines used for feeding and defense, followed by three pairs of sharply pointed walking legs, and a pair modified as flat swimming paddles at the rear, swimming legs.
  8. (appendages) any organ, usually segmented, such as a leg or antenna connected to the external skeleton
  9. (appendages) arms, legs, tails, etc., attached to bodies
  10. The epidermal appendages include eccrine (sweat) glands, apocrine (scent) glands, pilosebaceous structures (hair and oil glands) and nails.
  11. A structure attached to the body such as the upper and lower extremities.
  12. A part or thing attached.
  13. Latin appendere = to hang on, supplement.
  14. a process or outgrowth of any sort; in conidia, cellular (tubular) or extracellular (mucilaginous), filiform to capitate or infundibuliform ornamentation (Nag Raj, 1993).
  15. a limb or other process extending from the body, usually articulated
  16. literally a part added to another, a term applied to anthers, style arms or phyllaries where the extension may differ in texture, colour or by a constriction at the end of the organ to which it is added.
  17. Any limb or other organ, such as an antenna, which is attached to the body by a joint
  18. This is a part attached to the body of an animal. An example is a leg. Many crustaceans have jointed legs that are adapted for feeding or swimming and so their appendages show a wide variety of structure.
  19. Something added or attached to an organ, but not an essential part of it.
  20. a subordinate part attached to something; an addition
  21. A rudder, keel, centerboard, or skeg.
  22. part or organ joined to the body of an animal; limb
  23. A projecting part of the body.
  24. A limb such as an arm.
  25. an external body part that protrudes from an organism's body, including antennae, legs, mouthparts, and parts of the tail.