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appellee 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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appellees, plural;
  1. The respondent in a case appealed to a higher court

  1. In law, an appeal is a process for requesting a formal change to an official decision.
  2. A respondent
  3. The party against whom an appeal is taken.
  4. The party who opposes an appellant's appeal, and who seeks to persuade the appeals court to affirm the district court's decision.
  5. generally, the side that won in the trial court, and whose victory is being appealed by the losing side. Sometimes called the respondent.
  6. On judicial review, the party who defends the validity of the administrative order from which the appeal is taken. (In judicial review of Finance Commission agency orders, the appellee is always the agency whose order is appealed represented by the Attorney General. ...
  7. The party responding to an appeal filed in a higher court.  In a criminal matter this is usually the State of Texas by and through the District Attorney's office.
  8. the other party to an appeal who has not requested the review of the court s decision.
  9. A party who has won a judgment in a lawsuit or favorable findings in an administrative proceeding, which judgment or findings the losing party, the appellant, seeks to have a higher court reverse or set aside.
  10. The party defending the trial court's judgment or order in federal Courts of Appeal.
  11. the opposing party in a appealed case
  12. A person that answers an appeal in higher court.