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apothecary 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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apothecaries, plural;
  1. A person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs

  1. pharmacist: a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
  2. Apothecary is a historical name for a medical professional who formulates and dispenses materia medica to physicians, surgeons and patients — a role now served by a pharmacist (or a chemist or dispensing chemist), and some caregivers.
  3. A person who makes and provides/sells drugs and/or medicines; A drugstore or pharmacy
  4. one who prepares drugs and medicines, sometimes made house calls, and gave advice concerning medical conditions; lowest order of medical man.
  5. An assortment of cleansers, moisturizers and fragrance products.
  6. Rendered in the margin and the Revised Version "perfumer," in Ex. 30:25; 37:29; Eccl. 10:1. The holy oils and ointments were prepared by priests properly qualified for this office. The feminine plural form of the Hebrew word is rendered "confectionaries" in 1 Sam. 8:13.
  7. An Apothecary dispensed medicines derived from herbs, plants and roots. The apothecary was a less expensive alternative to a physician in Tudor times and was often the only source of medical care for the poor; he was usually a priest or friar.
  8. medieval / early modern pharmacist or chemist. The "apothecary oncia" symbol (a 'cursive z' with a bar above it), denoting an ounce or fluid ounce, was a frequent feature of early modern recipes, and is often transcribed as "3". ...
  9. A person who studies the art and science of mixing medicines; also known in modern times as a pharmacist.
  10. prepared and sold medicines or drugs; pharmacist
  11. (n.): an early form of a pharmacist, apothecaries could also prescribe drugs.
  12. An establishment offering prescription and nonprescription drugs and medicines, prosthetic devices and medical and dental supplies at retail.
  13. Druggist who reluctantly sells Romeo the poison.
  14. A perfumer, one whose business was to compound ointments.
  15. sold patented medicines as well as preparing their own remedies.
  16. One who practices herbalism and sometimes alchemy as well; Ancient word for "pharmacist".
  17. (Vancouver, BC: Tsunami, 1991; reissued 2001)
  18. One who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes. In wiccan / pagan terms it is one who possesses the knowledge to heal the wounded and the sick with natural elements & herbs (herbalist).