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apoplectic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Overcome with anger; extremely indignant,
  1. Overcome with anger; extremely indignant
    • - Mark was apoplectic with rage at the decision
  2. Relating to or denoting apoplexy (stroke)
    • - an apoplectic attack

  1. pertaining to or characteristic of apoplexy; "apoplectic seizure"
  2. Apoplexy is a medical term, which can be used to mean 'bleeding' in a cerebrovascular accident. However, without further specification it is rather outdated, and is today rather used for specific conditions, such as pituitary apoplexy. ...
  3. Of, or relating to apoplexy; Marked by extreme anger or fury; Effused with blood
  4. (adj.): Apoplexy is a condition of sudden paralysis; a stroke. To be apoplectic, in this case, is to behave as if on the verge of having a stroke.
  5. a stroke; a condition of great excitement or anger.