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apologue 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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apologues, plural;
  1. A moral fable, esp. one with animals as characters

  1. fable: a short moral story (often with animal characters)
  2. An apologue (from the Greek "απολογος," a "statement" or "account") is a brief fable or allegorical story with pointed or exaggerated details, meant to serve as a pleasant vehicle for a moral doctrine or to convey a useful lesson without stating it explicitly. ...
  3. A short story with a moral, often involving talking animals or objects; a fable; Use of fable to persuade the audience
  4. A short allegorical story with a lesson or moral. Fable.
  5. An allegorical narrative such as a fable, usually intended to convey a moral or a useful truth.
  6. A moral fable, usually featuring animals or inanimate objects which act like human beings in order to shed light on the human condition. Often, the apologue highlights the foolishness of mankind. The beast fable, and the fables of Aesop are examples. ...
  7. n. - parable, moral tale.