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apnea 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Temporary cessation of breathing, esp. during sleep,
  1. Temporary cessation of breathing, esp. during sleep
    • - thousands suffer from sleep apnea

  1. transient cessation of respiration
  2. Apnea, apnoea, or apnœa (απνοια, from α-, privative, πνεειν, to breathe) is a term for suspension of external breathing. During apnea there is no movement of the muscles of respiration and the volume of the lungs initially remains unchanged. ...
  3. The cessation of breathing
  4. A disorder in which breathing stops for periods longer than 10 seconds during sleep; can be caused by failure of the automatic respiratory center to respond to elevated blood levels of carbon dioxide.
  5. A cessation of breathing for 10 seconds or more, resulting in decreases in blood oxygen level and disruptions of sleep.
  6. a breathing “event” typically associated with a lapse in breathing, in sleep disorders an apnea is commonly associated with obstructive airway problems.
  7. derived from Greek translated as "want of breath;" episodes of non-respiration during sleep that last at least 10 seconds. See central, chronic, or mixed sleep apnea.
  8. A pause in breathing for a short period. Common in premature babies.
  9. An absence of breathing (respirations); See also Pathological Apnea, Central Apnea, Obstructive Apnea, Mixed Apnea
  10. absence of breathing for more than 10 seconds. See also sleep apnea.
  11. Cessation of breathing lasting 20 seconds or longer. Also known as an apneic episodes or apneic spells. It is common for premature infants to stop breathing for a few seconds. ...
  12. temporary stop in breathing, sleep apnea
  13. a common sleep disturbance with serious symptoms that can be life-threatening such as extreme daytime fatigue. The two major types are obstructive and central apnea. ...
  14. episodic arrest of breathing, seen during waking and not usually during sleep
  15. Lack of air movement into the lungs. This can be due either to an infant not trying to take breaths (central apnea), or an obstruction of the airway causing air flow to cease despite the infant making attempts to breathe (obstructive apnea). ...
  16. The cessation of breathing noted by color changes, pallor and/or cyanosis and lack of chest wall movement.
  17. a disorder that affects breathing during sleep. Apnea can be life-threatening by cutting off your breath and putting strain on the heart.
  18. From the Greek, meaning want for air. It means that breathing at night while asleep has stopped for at least 10 seconds. Some episodes can last longer than one minute
  19. literally means "without breath", and is the term used when someone stops breathing for very short periods of time, usually 10 to 20 seconds. "Obstructive Apnea" is the term used when respiratory efforts continue, such as movements of the chest. Apnea causes decreased oxygenation of the blood. ...
  20. a pause in breathing that lasts for more than 20 seconds, or is accompanied by a slow heart rate (Bradycardia) or a change in skin color. Apnea is common among preemies, who still have immature control of their breathing.
  21. a possibly life-threatening condition in which breathing stops, for either a short or long period of time. (Source : AMA)
  22. The cessation of breathing for at least 10 seconds in adults or the equivalent of two breaths in children. This period is the established duration to identify and calculate the number of apneas in a sleep report. (direct link)
  23. A pause of over 20 seconds in an infant's breathing pattern.
  24. A pause in breathing that lasts longer than 20 seconds. Apnea of Prematurity occurs in babies who are born prematurely. Because the brain or respiratory system may be immature or underdeveloped, the baby may not be able to regulate his or her own breathing.
  25. Sometimes premature babies will pause in breathing. If this happens the monitors will alarm. The nurses will gently remind your baby to breath by tickling his/her feet or by using a bag and mask to provide your baby with oxygen.